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Dirty Sexy Inked (Dirty Sexy #2) Page 18

  “Because after I get my fill of you, which might take a long while, we are packing up all your stuff and taking it to my place,” he said as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties and eased them down her thighs until they joined the rest of her clothing. “You’re not staying in this apartment ever again. After today, you will be in my bed every single night. Do you understand?”

  The slightest bit of authority in his voice made her shift anxiously on her heels, and she moaned when he followed up that statement with a light, playful smack to her ass. “Yes, I understand,” she said, wanting the same thing.

  “Good. Now take off your shoes and get up on the bed,” he ordered, knowing how much it turned her on when he got bossy. “I want to fuck you wearing nothing but that ring on your finger.”

  She did as he asked, and by the time she was settled, he’d stripped off the rest of his clothes and was as naked as she was. He was so gorgeous, from his masculine features to those tattoos she loved, to his toned chest, lean abs, and that thick, hard cock between his legs. And he was all hers, she thought giddily.

  He sheathed his erect shaft and climbed up on the bed between her spread legs, and starting at her knee, he slowly, lazily kissed his way up her thighs, until they quivered with anticipation and she was panting with need. His wicked mouth and tongue lingered at her core, licking and sliding through her sensitive folds of flesh. Over. And over. And over.

  When she was beyond wet and aroused, he moved on, detouring to the scars on her hip. He kissed each one lovingly, replacing the reasons they were there with the pleasure of his touch. He teased her nipples next, sliding his tongue over them, nipping at them with his teeth, then sucking those engorged tips deep into his mouth until she was desperate for the orgasm he’d so reverently built to a peak but withheld just out of her reach. When she couldn’t stand the sensual torment any longer, she finally reached down, twisted her fingers in his hair, and brought his lips up to hers.

  The kiss was as hot and deep as the single thrust of his shaft driving into her. She gasped and undulated her hips, causing him to groan, low and harsh. He lifted his head and stared down at her, the emotion in his gaze filling her heart to overflowing for this man. Her best friend. Her lover. And soon, her husband.

  “You’re mine, Kitty-Kat,” he said possessively as he threaded their fingers together and pinned her hands above her head before he started to move, claiming her in the most intimate way possible. “Forever.”

  “Yes,” she whispered back, knowing she’d never get tired of hearing that. “Yours. Forever.”

  Everything about being with Mason felt incredible. His powerful body. The sensual passion between them. The need. And the love.

  Especially that. And it was all hers, for an eternity.

  * * *

  “Just a little bit longer and I’ll be done,” Mason said. “You doing okay?”

  Katrina lay on her side on the padded table in Mason’s station at Inked while he finished up her newest tattoo. It was after hours, and they were alone in the shop, and while the pain was noticeable considering how large the design was, she was handling the process pretty well. Meditating had definitely helped to take the edge off the worst part of the discomfort.

  “I’m good,” she said, anxious to see the finished piece, which she’d created herself. And this time, it was fitting that Mason was the one to cover the scars on her hip. He was the one who’d helped her recover emotionally, and this was her way of moving on from all the pain lingering in her past. Now when she looked in the mirror, instead of those hideous cuts and slices that were a part of a life she no longer lived, she’d now see a beautiful cluster of butterflies, to match the ones on her arm.

  The past few months living with Mason had been amazing. She’d never been so happy, so content or at peace with herself. She knew Mason felt the same with his own emotions and with her. They were two damaged people who’d managed to heal each other with something as simple as unconditional love. The fact that they were best friends who had phenomenal sex was a bonus.

  She moved the hand on the table, and the lights glinted off her eternity band, making her smile when she remembered the day he’d put it on her finger. They’d talked about marriage, and she was more than ready to take that next step with Mason. He’d assured her that he was ready to make that final commitment, as well, and told her to make whatever plans she wanted, and he’d show up wherever and whenever she told him to. Typical man, she thought.

  But he was her man, and after fourteen years of unrequited love, it felt damn good to be the only woman he wanted. The only woman he’d ever loved.

  She felt him wipe away the last of the ink and watched as he put his tattoo machine down. “Ready to see what it looks like?” he asked.

  She nodded, and he helped her down from the table. They walked over to the full-length mirror, and she looked at the reflection of her design that Mason had brought to life. The colorful butterflies were stunning. What was once so ugly and made her feel shame and humiliation was now pretty and captivating and made her feel beautiful.

  Overwhelming emotion crowded in her throat and happy tears filled her eyes. “It’s gorgeous,” she whispered in awe as she met Mason’s warm gaze. “You did an amazing job. I can’t even see where the scars are anymore. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome and it was my absolute pleasure to lay that ink on your skin.” He curled his fingers around the back of her head and pulled her to him so he could drop a sweet kiss on her temple. “However, I have to confess that I took some creative liberty with the design.”

  “You did?” She glanced back into the mirror, scrutinizing the butterflies a bit longer and harder this time, but couldn’t find anything that stood out. “What did you do?”

  “It’s right here,” he said, and pointed to one of the butterflies’ wings, his expression a bit smug. “I made the veins into a word that I think you’ll like.”

  She looked closer, and then she saw it, the word mine integrated into the lines crisscrossing one of the wings. His modification wasn’t obvious unless you were specifically looking for it, and it blended in naturally. But she loved that it was there, and that just the two of them were privy to the secret.

  She grinned at him. “Possessive much?” she teased.

  “With you? Always.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her body flush to his as his hand grabbed her ass. “Though I don’t expect anyone to get up close and personal with that tattoo except for me, considering where it’s placed.”

  He moved his hips against hers, and Katrina’s eyes widened in shock. “Oh, my God!” she said as she felt his erection grind against her lower belly. “Are you seriously hard?”

  “I can’t help it,” he said with an unrepentant laugh that held sinful undertones. “Seeing my ink on you is such a fucking turn-on. Kinda brings out the inner caveman in me and makes me want to conquer and claim.”

  “Well, who am I to interfere with your need to play the Neanderthal?” she said as she rose up on her toes and kissed his lips. After all, she was his, in ink and in truth. Forever.

  Next up: Levi Kincaid – Get DIRTY SEXY CUFFED Today!

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  Dirty Sexy Series Reading Order:

  Dirty Sexy Saint (Clay Kincaid)

  Dirty Sexy Inked (Mason Kincaid)

  Dirty Sexy Cuffed (Levi Kincaid)

  *Every book in the Dirty Sexy series can be read alone for your reading enjoyment!

  Read on for Excerpts of Carly & Erika’s books:

  DARE TO SURRENDER by Carly Phillips

y Erika Wilde

  Dare to Surrender


  by Carly Phillips

  Gabriel Dare eyed the beautiful woman with the bright smile that didn’t reach her eyes, hoping his bland expression concealed the intense emotions she roused inside him. Protective instincts the likes of which he’d never experienced before. The desire to sweep her into his arms, breathe in her unique scent no designer could have created, and steal her away from this god-awful staid country club was strong.

  He had an endless supply of beautiful women all eager to share his bed, including Naomi, his latest affair, and yet they did nothing for him except accompany him on endless nights like this one. And take the edge off his need. True satisfaction hadn’t existed for him in far too long.

  He was bored. Unless he was watching her. Then the perfection and elegance of the Hamptons club vanished, and she was all he saw.

  Blonde hair fell down her back in less-than-perfect waves, defying the stick-straight look most women preferred. Her lush, sexy body, so unlike the females he normally bedded, had his hands itching to learn those curves and show her what true pleasure really was. She was unattainable, living with one of Wall Street’s stars, but she could do so much better.

  Oddly, it wasn’t her lack of availability that appealed. She was bright, witty, and she could hold her own with just about anyone, making whoever she spoke to feel important. He admired that trait. They hadn’t spent more than a few minutes here and there in each other’s company, but she’d taken his breath away from the first look.

  Gabe would do just about anything to attain something he wanted, but he drew the line at poaching on another man’s territory. Still, he had to admit she tested even his willpower, and he’d had practice at being alone. He’d married young and miscalculated badly. Afterwards, he’d been certain that after Krissie’s death, for which he felt responsible, the smart thing would be to keep a safe emotional distance from women.

  One look at Isabelle Masters and he’d changed his mind. There was something about her that filled the emptiness inside him. To the point where just watching her was enough to calm his usually restless soul. Unfortunately, they didn’t run into each other nearly often enough.

  Gabe ran a hand through his hair, groaning as he caught sight of Naomi making her way toward him, a cocktail plate with one celery stick and a carrot in her hand. His gaze darted to Isabelle as she crossed the room in the opposite direction, careful to avoid him as long as the man she lived with was around.

  She was taken, and all he could do was admire. Look and not touch. But if she ever became available, all bets were off.

  Start Reading Dare to Surrender NOW!

  Playing with Temptation


  by Erika Wilde

  Raina Beck finished helping a customer select a bottle of warming massage oil, then headed over to the lingerie section of her store, Sugar and Spice, a sensual, upscale adult boutique that catered to the residents of San Diego. She paused at the rack of new arrivals, where her good friend, Jillian Noble, was perusing the gorgeous items.

  “Find anything you like?” Raina asked as the other woman contemplated a leopard-print bustier before putting it back on the stand.

  Jillian smiled at her as she shuffled through a few more pieces. “The problem is, there’s too much to like, which is a good thing. I’m looking for something a little different than everything I already have…” Her words trailed off, and her eyes lit up as she lifted a hanger displaying a sexy red ensemble that consisted of a demi bra, a short flirty skirt that was only a few inches of fabric that would barely cover her bottom, and a matching lace thong, along with a garter belt and thigh-high stockings.

  “I think this is it,” Jillian announced with a succinct nod of her head.

  “If Dean comes home to find you wearing that outfit, I think all bets are off,” Raina teased her friend.

  “That’s what I’m counting on, and I think he’ll really like the short little skirt, too.” She handed the hanger to Raina. “I’ll take it, along with one of those feather ticklers you have on display, the one with the soft ostrich feathers.”

  “You got it.” Raina smiled, knowing Jillian, a good customer, appreciated the more sexually adventurous items Sugar and Spice provided to those who wanted to kink up their sex lives. Selecting a tickler with deep red feathers to match the outfit, she met her friend up at the front counter.

  As she rang up Jillian’s purchases, she asked, “How are you enjoying working with Stephanie?”

  “I absolutely love it. I couldn’t be happier,” Jillian said, her expression reflecting her newfound joy. “I’m helping her design those fantasy suites at the hotel, and tomorrow I have a consultation with a woman who wants to redecorate her bedroom in a sexier version theme of The Secret Garden theme.”

  “Sounds like a fun project.” Raina swiped Jillian’s credit card to process the sale. The two of them had become close friends over the past months, and because she knew Jillian’s husband had been so opposed to his wife taking a job, Raina couldn’t help but wonder how that was going. “Is everything still good with Dean and you working for Stephanie?”

  “He’s getting used to it and adjusting. I make sure I always make time for just the two of us, and it keeps him happy.”

  “Men really are such basic creatures,” Raina said with a laugh. “Keep them plied with food and sex and they’re happy, content, and satisfied.”

  Jillian lifted a curious brow. “Speaking of men and sex…when are you going to indulge a little?”

  Raina shrugged as she wrapped her ensemble in pink tissue and tucked it into a bag. “I think all the good guys are taken. And then there’s the men who find out I own a sex toy boutique and decide I’m fair game for outrageous, kinky sex, because, you know, I have access to all sorts of depraved items.”

  She rolled her eyes to make light of her comment, but the truth ran much deeper and stirred up other painful memories that reminded her of why she kept her heart and emotions under lock and key—the pain of such complete and utter rejection was something that had left her guarded and very cautious when it came to a man’s interest in her.

  Admittedly, she did enjoy hot, adventurous sex. After all, she’d opened Sugar and Spice as a way to help women empower themselves sexually, to get in touch with their desires and be confident enough to enjoy every aspect of sex. But she also knew it took an equally strong, self-assured man to accept her line of business, to not feel threatened or embarrassed by the fact that she owned a boutique that catered to enhancing sexual pleasure.

  Unfortunately, over the years, she’d learned that she wasn’t the best judge of character when it came to a man’s motives and his reasons for dating her, which also made it extremely difficult to decipher what was real, or if she was nothing more than someone’s dirty little secret that he used until the excitement wore off.

  Too many painful experiences had taught her that because of what she did for a living, men were more than willing to fuck her like a porn star in private, but they drew the line at taking her out in public or bringing her home to meet the family, which made her feel cheap and dirty—as if her own father’s fire and brimstone prediction about her being a whore had come true. Men didn’t date a woman like her with long term in mind, and it had become much easier for Raina to keep her emotional distance rather than face criticism and the sting of rejection all over again.

  She’d been burned a few times, and she wasn’t allowing any man to get close enough to do it again. Now, sex was all about physical pleasure, nothing more, and she’d recently decided that if anyone was going to do the using, it was going to be her for a change. Unfortunately, an opportunity hadn’t presented itself, but if the right guy came along, she certainly wasn’t opposed to enjoying a no-strings-attached one-night stand.

  “Maybe you need hot anonymous sex,” Jillian suggested with a naughty twinkle in her eye, as if she’d had a direct link to Raina’s thoughts.

  “It’s been a long dry spell and the idea is definitely tempting,” Raina replied, a humorous note lacing the truth of her words. Vibrators and sex toys did the job as far as getting her off, but they couldn’t replace the feel or pleasure of a strong, powerful, virile man thrusting deep inside of her or skimming his hands along her curves, his hot mouth seducing hers.

  Yes, she definitely missed that, and the provocative thought made her feel a bit flushed.

  Jillian bit her bottom lip for a second before reaching into her purse and pulling out a white envelope. “You’ve done a lot for me, and I want to do something for you for a change. Take this, and indulge yourself.” She pushed the envelope across the counter to Raina.

  Raina picked it up and read the word Welcome embossed in black across the front. “What is this?” she asked, confused and curious at the same time.

  “An invitation to The Players Club.”

  Raina’s eyes widened in surprise, and her heart fluttered in her chest with undeniable excitement. She knew exactly what The Players Club was—a private, members-only sex club that catered to an elite and prominent clientele in order to maintain its exclusivity. A personal recommendation was required to even visit the club, and since Dean and Jillian had recently become members, they now had the privilege of extending an invitation to a guest.

  And Jillian had chosen her.

  “Oh, wow,” Raina breathed as she brushed her thumb over the embossed lettering on the envelope, still in shock. “Really?”

  “Yes, really,” Jillian mimicked playfully. “You deserve a sexy night all to yourself, and I can guarantee that any fantasy you have can be fulfilled at The Players Club.”

  Raina had plenty of private, naughty fantasies stored away in the deepest recesses of her mind, none of which she’d ever shared because those scenarios were just too wicked and forbidden to reveal to any of the guys she’d dated up to this point, all of whom had big egos and had been self-centered lovers. Yes, she owned a boutique that sold all sorts of kinky items to enhance sex play, but it took a strong, confident man who didn’t feel threatened by her expertise to give her what she desired, who knew what she needed without asking and made that pleasure his sole focus.