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Going Down Hard Page 5

  She found the door partially open, knocked once, and entered. “Hello?”

  An unfamiliar, well-dressed man with blond hair walked toward her from inside. “Ms. Storms?”


  “I’m Brad Hansen, the property manager.” He extended his hand.

  “Nice to meet you,” she said, shaking his hand.

  “Mr. West got hung up with a family emergency. He said he’d meet up with us soon.”

  “Oh,” she said, swallowing over the lump of disappointment, though she did hope everything was okay.

  For the next few hours, Brad walked her through three apartments in various buildings, each having different amenities and things to offer. He was good company, knowledgeable about the property and rental details, and they spent an enjoyable afternoon despite the big decision she needed to make.

  The snow had picked up, and by the time they made it to the last unit, she knew she was looking at a heavy downfall and it would be smart to head back home soon. They had left the Upper East Side and were now on the West, and she still had to grab a cab or subway back to Penn Station.

  She stood in the recently remodeled kitchen. “I have to say this one’s my favorite.”

  “Because of the kitchen? Do you like to cook?” he asked.

  “I enjoy it when I have time. I’m sure I’ll have more of it once I live in Manhattan and my commute is cut down,” she said, thinking about the positives of this upcoming change.

  Because one thing was for certain, she’d have a lot less space. She’d have to store much of her furniture and things, and the thought made her sad. She hadn’t realized how lucky she was living in the guesthouse as opposed to a small New York City apartment. She could, if she wanted, buy a house, but she wasn’t ready to make that kind of leap.

  She turned to Brad. “I need some time to think about which one I want though.” Because one on the East Side had more space.

  “I totally understand. Nobody expects you to make a decision right away. He gestured toward the door, and she walked to the exit, with him close behind.

  He turned to face her. “I realize you need to get home now,” he said, pushing open the door. “But would you like to go out some time?” he asked, taking her by surprise.

  “Oh. I—”

  “Ms. Storms isn’t available for the foreseeable future,” Derek said from outside the door.

  She glanced over to see him standing there, ready to enter as they were walking out. Snow dusted his dark hair and jacket, and he had a scowl on his handsome face.

  “Derek!” At this point, she hadn’t expected him to show.

  “Hansen, I’ll take it from here,” he said, dismissing the other man.

  His cheeks flushed a ruddy color. “Sorry, boss. Didn’t realize it was like that.” He glanced from Derek to Cassie and back again.

  She hadn’t realized it either. Nor was she sure how she felt about him staking a claim she hadn’t known he’d made. She hadn’t planned on saying yes to a date with Brad, but that was something she should be able to decide for herself.

  “Brad, thank you for showing me around today. I appreciate it,” she said. She’d deal with Derek when they were alone.

  “You’re welcome. When you make a decision—”

  “She’ll call me,” Derek said.

  Cassie blinked in surprise. This possessiveness was a new side to Derek, one she hadn’t seen before, and it annoyed her as much as it—surprisingly—turned her on.

  She waited until Brad had left and headed for the elevator before turning his way. “You didn’t need to be rude to him! Besides, I think I can decide for myself whether or not to accept a date.”

  He raised an eyebrow, looking aggravated and tension-filled, a muscle pulsing in his jaw. “Some things need to be clarified … man to man.”

  “What are you, a Neanderthal? The man works for you and deserves some respect.”

  “And now he’ll continue to work for me because he knows not to hit on you.”

  She didn’t know whether to be flattered or angry. She settled for annoyed. And a whole lot pleased that he was interested in her enough to stake a claim.

  Not that she could let him know that, so she rolled her eyes at his comment. “You didn’t have to rush over here. I’ve seen all the apartments, and Brad was very thorough,” she said, complimenting the building manager just to get under Derek’s skin.

  “Bravo for him. I’ll give him a raise,” he muttered.

  She shook her head. “Okay, caveman,” she said, unable to hold back a laugh that broke the tension.

  He shoved his hands into his jacket pocket and grinned. “Guess I got a little carried away.”

  “I’d say so.” She met his gaze and turned to a more serious subject. “I hope your family emergency turned out okay?”

  His gaze shuttered as he replied, “Fine.”

  Clearly he had no intention of elaborating, and she wouldn’t push him. “I should get going. With the snow, it’s going to take me awhile to get back to the train station.”

  “It’s actually pretty bad out. I took my SUV so I can drive you there. Unless…”

  “Unless what?”

  “You’d like to forgive my asshole tendencies and have dinner with me.”

  He treated her to a smile she found incredibly appealing. And sexy. She exhaled a slow puff of air. “I’d like to. Really. But with the weather the way it is, by the time I get back, it’ll be hard enough to drive home.”

  He leaned against the doorframe. “Actually by the time the train gets you back, it’ll be dangerous for you to drive on the roads. The weather on Long Island is blizzard conditions.”

  “Oh, no.” She ran a hand through her ponytail and groaned. “I should have paid more attention.”

  “The storm shifted during the day. I’m not sure you could have planned for this.”

  “So what are my choices? Have dinner with you and stay over in a hotel?” She bit down on her lower lip, knowing she hadn’t planned for the possibility. No change of clothes, no toiletries.

  “That’s one possibility. Or I have a guest room. You’re more than welcome to stay over. My sister leaves things for when she sleeps in the city, so I’m sure you’ll be comfortable. I’ll even be on my best behavior.” His light blue eyes gleamed with a promise she didn’t want him to keep.

  “Hmm.” She obviously needed to remain in town, so the only question was where. “Decisions, decisions. A hotel room all to myself for the night with room service and movies. Or hang out with you.”

  “Come on, princess. Live a little.”


  He shrugged. “It’s what I used to call you—in my mind—way back when.” His cheeks turned red and she flushed in response.

  Princess, huh? Well, she supposed there were worse things he could call her. “I think I’ll take the hotel.”


  No, she thought, but it really was fun to push his buttons. “You said to live a little. I just thought you meant to treat myself to the finer things.”

  “I’ll treat you to the finer things,” he muttered. “You’re staying with me.”

  “Yes sir, caveman.” She grinned, pleased with their easy banter.

  And the fact that she was staying over at his place. She had a chance to get to know him better. To lay out the parameters for the interview. And who knew what else might happen between them.

  She certainly knew what her fantasies demanded. Ever since he’d come back into her life, her dreams had been more vivid.

  And arousing.

  Dream Derek had magic hands that slid over her body in a sensual caress. With his mouth, he sucked her nipples and pinched with his fingers, until waves of desire pounded at her, her body seconds from an intense climax. And when he thrust inside her, she came immediately, her skin, her entire being consumed with passion.

  She’d wake up, tangled in sheets, a light coating of sweat on her body, her breasts heavy, her sex tin
gling in the most delightful of ways.

  She trembled at the memories, suddenly aware she stood in an apartment hallway, Derek staring at her intently. “You’re flushed. Do I want to know what you’re thinking?”

  Definitely not, she thought. “Let’s go see what the weather’s like,” she said, not meeting his gaze.

  “Your wish is my command,” he said, an amused smile on his handsome face as he turned to lock up the apartment and follow her to the elevator.

  Chapter Four

  By the time they exited the building, the snow was coming down in heavy drifts. The weathermen had definitely underestimated this storm, Derek thought, grateful for their mistake that gave him Cassie all to himself.

  He nearly hadn’t made it at all. His mother hadn’t been feeling well, and his sister had taken her to the hospital. It turned out to be indigestion, thank God, but he’d spent the better part of the day in the emergency room. Not something he wanted to get into with Cassie.

  When he thought about his mother being a widow, his father long gone, the anger he felt for her family resurfaced. Given their history, the only way to be with her was to keep the past where it belonged, to remember that whatever happened between them could only be short term. But for now, she seemed as eager to spend the night with him as he was to be with her.

  Thank God, after the way he’d behaved earlier. Almost thirty years old and he’d never acted like a possessive idiot over a woman. Apparently he wasn’t too old to start that shit now. Brad had been standing too close, and he’d been too interested in Cassie, beyond wanting to rent her the apartment. Something inside Derek had snapped, causing him to stake his claim, like the caveman she’d accused him of being.

  They were quiet on the trip to his apartment because he needed all his concentration on the road. Which didn’t mean he wasn’t fully aware of the woman in the passenger seat, looking adorable in a pink fluffy down jacket, melted snowflakes making her hair damp, and the cold having turned her nose red before they reached his home. Her vanilla perfume took over the car, enveloping him in her arousing scent and causing his cock to become erect and uncomfortable when he needed to focus.

  Finally, after a skid and inching his way, he made it to the parking garage beneath his building. He left his car with Manny, the attendant, and led Cassie to the elevator that took them to his seventeenth-floor apartment.

  After growing up poor, he hadn’t skimped on luxury or amenities when choosing where he wanted to live and how he wanted to furnish.

  Before he inserted the key in the door, he turned toward her. “I should warn you—”

  Before he could say another word, loud barking sounds came from inside the apartment.

  “A dog!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “I love them.”

  “Brace yourself,” he muttered, pushing open the door.

  Derek’s thirty-five-pound wheaten terrier greeted them, hopping on his back paws, his front ones leaning on Cassie’s thighs as he jumped up and down, begging for attention.

  “Meet Oscar,” he said, knowing better than to bother with a stern down. “Oscar, be nice,” he said, aware the two-year-old dog wouldn’t be deterred from his wheaten greeting nor would he calm down until he’d said his hellos.

  “Oh my God, he’s so cute,” Cassie said, trying to pet Oscar while he did his happy-to-see-you dance.

  “Do you need to take him for a walk?” Cassie asked.

  He glanced at his watch. “The dog walker probably just took him, considering he’s damp. I’m sure she left a note. Take off your coat and make yourself at home,” Derek said.

  He headed over to the credenza and dropped his keys, scanning the note the dog walker had, in fact, left. Unfortunately it contained more than information about walking, eating, and Oscar’s business. His dog walker, who had been amazing and reliable for over two years, had given him notice. She was moving out of state with her fiancé.


  “What’s wrong?” Cassie asked, jacket in hand.

  He opened the closet and hung up their outerwear. He slipped off his shoes and she did the same.

  “My dog walker gave notice. She’s moving. I have no idea how I’m going to find someone good, and willing to deal with Oscar’s … exuberant personality,” he said, giving his dog a pat.

  Oscar who, on hearing his name, had raised himself up on his hind legs once more.

  Cassie followed him into his apartment, Oscar on her heels. “There’s an app called Rover. It’s like Uber for dog walkers. You can find someone who is vetted and rated that way. I have friends who’ve used the service.”

  “Oh, I’ve heard of them. As an app guy, I have to say I’m impressed. I’ll look into it. Thanks.”

  “Happy to help.”

  “So, do you like pizza? Downstairs on the corner is the best pizza ever. And they deliver.”

  “Love it. Pepperoni if you don’t mind.”

  “Exactly what I’d order.” He pulled out his cell phone and called a number he had on speed dial and placed the order.

  He showed her the guest room, hoping she wouldn’t be using that bed, rather sleeping in his—without a lot of REM sleep being achieved—and they settled in his big family room/den in front of his big-screen TV, behind which was a wall of windows.

  Snow came down in big chunks, creating a gorgeous vista in the background, but he couldn’t tear his gaze from Cassie. She curled her legs beneath her and settled into the corner of the couch, Oscar snuggled by her side.


  Not that Derek blamed him. He wanted to be close enough to breathe in her warm scent and feel her body heat against his skin. His cock wasn’t happy being adjusted and forced to ignore the desire he felt just looking at the swell of her breasts in the formfitting sweater, but he managed to deal.

  They made small talk about the apartments while waiting for dinner, discussed his business while eating pizza and drinking a beer—for old time’s sake. Even he couldn’t help but laugh at the reminder of her first taste out of the bottle.

  After cleaning up and him taking Oscar for a quick walk, they resettled in to watch a movie. Oscar crashed on his doggie bed, giving Derek his first opening to sit close to Cassie.

  He had every intention of making his move, when she cleared her throat and asked, “So I know you don’t want to talk about the family emergency you had earlier today, but I’ve been meaning to ask, how are your parents? It’s been so long since I’ve seen them.”

  He froze, his hand halfway to the television remote. “My parents?”

  “Yes. I haven’t seen them since I left for school. I know they left because they got another job but—”

  Derek sat upright, all thoughts of touching her, kissing her, gone. “That subject is off-limits.”

  She flinched and inched back against the seat. “I don’t understand.”

  His first instinct was to revert to how he’d thought about her for years. A cruel girl only too happy to humiliate him, but he forced himself to draw a calming breath. And to remember that the Cassie he knew appeared to be kind and caring.

  “My father … died years ago. I don’t like to talk about it.”

  “Oh, Derek, I’m sorry. I know how close you were.” She linked her hands behind her head and leaned back, meeting his gaze, sadness and understanding in her eyes.

  Shit. Now he felt bad for snapping at her. And when he looked into her warm brown eyes, another emotion took hold. Desire flooded his veins, all thoughts of anything but getting her into his arms gone.

  She stared into his eyes, and his will to fight the attraction evaporated, and before he knew it, his mouth was on hers.

  * * *

  Cassie’s head was spinning. From his whiplash change in attitude to the news he’d given about his father to the kiss he placed on her lips, her emotions had been pulled in different directions. But with that one touch, she softened and fell into his kiss. She loved how he possessed her, with a combined forcefulness that t
urned her on and a gentleness that melted her panties.

  He pulled at the elastic around her hair, releasing the ponytail so her hair fell over her shoulders. He brushed through the long strands with his fingertips, tugging at her scalp with each successive brush.

  His tongue slid between her lips and tangled with hers, as he continued to seduce her with long, luxurious kisses that had her head spinning and her body going along for the ride. He grasped her hair in one hand, tilting her head to one side and trailing seductive sweeps of his tongue along her jawline, her throat, working his way down to her collarbone.

  She trembled, her nipples tightening into hardened peaks, arousal gliding through her body in luxurious waves of desire. He nipped at her collarbone and licked his way back up her neck and throat, nuzzling at her ear. And all the while, all she could do was let him have his way, her body liquid in his arms.

  Since Jeremy, she’d been selective to the point of not making it past one date before breaking up with a man, so it had been a long time since she’d been with a guy like this. In fact, she’d go so far as to say no man had made her feel so hot so quickly.

  She slid her hands to his sides, pushing up his sweater and bracing her palms on his heated skin. She brushed her thumbs upward, and he groaned, his mouth coming down hard on hers once more. His kisses were hard, more feverish, and he pressed her back against the cool leather couch, his body coming down on hers. His masculine scent permeated her senses.

  His erection aligned with her sex while his mouth did wicked things to hers. He lifted her shirt, pulling it up and over her head but trapping her arms in the soft wool.

  Through the lace, he brushed his thumbs over her distended nipples, causing them to pucker harder, and she felt the answering contractions deep inside her body.

  “So pretty,” he murmured, leaning down and pulling a lace-covered bud into his mouth and tugging with his teeth.

  She groaned and jerked her hands, but they were twisted in the sweater and she was at his mercy, unable to touch in return.

  “You don’t play fair.”

  “As long as I’m playing, I’m happy,” he said, taking a nip of the other nipple before laving it with his tongue.