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Dare to Seduce Page 8
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Page 8
“Great. Relaxing,” Lucy said, not meeting anyone’s gaze.
Max raised an amused eyebrow and took this as his cue. He stepped close to Lucy, wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her close. “We’ve had an amazing time. Did you know you could rent private cabins on the beach?”
“No, I didn’t!” Isabelle said, her astute gaze traveling back and forth between Max and a now squirming Lucy. “How romantic!”
“And now it’s my turn to change the subject,” Gabe muttered. “Although I will say it’s about time.” He slapped Max on the shoulder, his hand clamping down hard, a renewed reminder and warning to treat his sister right.
“Gabe!” Lucy chided, obviously horrified her brother was getting in the middle of her love life.
“What? We all know you two were just a matter of time,” Gabe said.
“We’re going to take a walk.” Max grasped Lucy’s hand and led her out to the terrace, which overlooked the beach and ocean.
He walked her over to a chair and, with a gentle push on her shoulders, settled her in. He braced his hands on the arms and bent to face her. “What’s going on? Are you embarrassed we’re together?”
She frowned up at him. “We’re not together, Max. We’re having a vacation fling.”
“So I’m right,” he said, his gaze narrowing. “From the minute I came back from my walk, you’ve been on edge and pulling away.”
She stiffened and looked away. “I don’t know what you mean.”
The hell she didn’t. He gripped her chin in his hand and forced her to face him, ignoring the annoyed look in her eyes.
“You locked me out of the bathroom while you showered,” he said, frustration filling him at the memory.
“So we wouldn’t get carried away again and be late!”
Irritation bit at her tone, but he wasn’t buying it and raised an eyebrow at the blatant lie. “You tried to pull your hand away before we walked in here. And you tried to downplay what really happened between us on the island.”
“Because my brothers don’t need their little sister’s sex life thrown in their face!”
“And you’re pulling away now. What happened to the woman who promised to chill and enjoy what the island brings?” Max asked, using her own words to call her out.
Lucy cringed, knowing he was right. “I—” I didn’t want to suffer any more loss, Lucy thought, but she didn’t want to admit that out loud.
The intensity that had been building between herself and Max on the island scared her, as did what this wedding symbolized in her life. More than anything, Lucy needed to get back to New York and begin building a life there. Alone.
“Decklan and Amanda are ready!” Isabelle called out, interrupting them from further conversation.
Lucy blew out a long breath, knowing she’d been given a reprieve. “We need to get going,” she said, rising from her seat and smoothing the wrinkles in her dress.
Max frowned and stood up too. “This isn’t finished,” he warned her. “I have a lot I want to say to you.”
Lucy didn’t reply, because they didn’t have time for an argument, and Max knew it too. She turned to face him. She stared into his handsome face, memorizing his features. Although they’d be working together in New York, things would never be the same between them again.
“Thank you for this time here,” she said to him. “It was really wonderful.”
He narrowed his gaze. “Why does that sound like good-bye?”
Before she could answer, they were joined on the terrace by Gabe, Isabelle, and a very dapper-looking Noah in his daddy’s arms. Lucy grinned at the sight.
Decklan walked outside next. “We’re supposed to go down to the beach. Amanda will meet us there,” he said, shifting from foot to foot.
“Nervous?” Gabe asked, slapping his brother on the back.
“Nah. I just want this over with so I can call her my wife.”
Lucy’s heart did a sweet yet painful thump in her chest.
A little while later, they stood beneath a white canopy surrounded by island flowers. A light ocean breeze blew gently, bringing with it the salty smell of the ocean and sound of the waves lapping at the shore.
Amanda walked down the aisle in a white, flowing dress, gliding toward her waiting groom. Decklan waited with a big grin on his face, his eyes on his future wife. Lucy was happy for her brother, but that tender lump in her throat and catch in her chest remained throughout the ceremony.
Still, it was a happy occasion. The bride and groom kissed… long and intimately, making Lucy squirm, and her gaze fell on Max, his amber eyes watching her solemnly. He was concerned about the change in her mood, and she silently acknowledged he had every right to worry.
Although she planned to celebrate, dance, and enjoy the post-wedding party along with her family, she’d also called ahead and secured a room in the castle for the night, along with the first flight off Eden in the morning. Max wouldn’t be happy, but he wouldn’t start an argument in front of her family either.
She was counting on it.
Chapter Six
Max had been back in New York for three weeks, and time hadn’t cured his hurt, anger, or frustration with Lucy. She’d not only left him alone their last night in Eden, opting to stay at the castle—with no real excuse for not returning to their cabin—but she’d taken the first flight out, leaving him to travel back to New York alone. No notice, no warning. Only the fact that he understood her panic and the reasons behind her fear enabled him to back off.
Insanity begged him to dominate her in real life the way he had in bed. Tie her up and keep her under his control until she believed they were meant to be. Thank God he was saner than that, but the need to see her didn’t abate. Memories of their time together assaulted him constantly along with the desire to bury himself in her sweet body and never leave.
He wished fixing her issues were as simple as holding her in his arms and vowing he’d never abandon her, but life wouldn’t let him make those kinds of promises. Shit happened, as they both knew too well. So instead of storming her defenses, he gave her space and time after Eden, opting instead for a slow, steady assault.
Step one, bringing them back together for a legitimate reason. He sat in the empty shell of the restaurant he planned to open and glanced around at the old equipment from the original owners. Even that needed to be replaced with more modern pieces. He was ready to sit down with his chef and new designer and hammer out ideas.
He picked up his cell, pulled up Lucy’s number, and hit send, wondering if she’d see his name flash on the screen and avoid the call. To his surprise, she answered on the first ring.
“Hi, Max,” she said, her tone cautious but oh so welcome.
“Hi yourself, princess.” He might be calling for business, but he’d be damned if he’d hide his feelings for her, and using his pet name for her came naturally.
“What can I do for you?” she asked in a formal voice.
He set his jaw, annoyed at the distance she was keeping between them. “I’m calling to set up a meeting between you, Sebastian Del Toro, and myself. I’d like you to see the space and get to work on ideas. That is, if you’re still interested.”
He held his breath.
“Yes. I definitely am. When did you want to meet?”
“I’ll talk to Sebastian and get back to you.”
“Great. In the meantime, I’ll have a contract drawn up and sent over,” she said, all business. “Oh! That’s my other line. I look forward to hearing from you,” she said, and disconnected the call.
Max stared at the phone in his hand. She was taking playing hard to get to an extreme. Time to step up his game.
* * *
Lucy pulled together the contract her lawyer had drawn up for Savage Associates and Dare Designs. She grabbed her files, stuffed them in her briefcase, and headed downtown. She called for a car service early, leaving time for Midtown traffic, but the streets were empty,
and she arrived early for their appointment.
She’d tried hard not to dwell on seeing Max, but of course, it’d been impossible. Max was on her mind, day and night. Her body missed his expert touch, the way he’d bring her to heights of ecstasy she’d never imagined existed and then hold her as they slept afterwards. And she missed just talking to him during the day. In a short time, she’d come to enjoy his company, be it companionable silence or intense conversations.
And that was the part that enabled her not to go running back and apologizing for leaving him in Eden. It would be too easy to get permanently attached to the Max she’d come to know, not the man she’d thought she’d be having an affair with.
She’d convinced herself that they were on the same page when it came to not wanting a serious relationship. After all, he hadn’t had a long-term girlfriend since his wife had passed away four years ago. But after their time together on Eden, she realized she’d underestimated what he needed and wanted from her. And even if she needed and wanted those same things, fear kept her from moving forward.
She arrived at the location in Soho, impressed with the area immediately. They were within walking distance of NYU and right near a subway stop. As she approached the entrance, she paused to adjust the lapels on her suit, knowing a slight slip would reveal too much cleavage and send the wrong impression. But it was her favorite outfit, one she’d retired during her days with Lucas, and she needed all the armor she could get for today’s meeting with Max.
She pulled on the restaurant door handle, surprised when it swung open. Because of potential vandalism, she’d thought it might be locked and she’d have to knock. Apparently she wasn’t as early as she’d believed. Max must already be here, and her heart pounded harder inside her chest.
She stepped inside and was surprised by the stripped walls and floors. Apparently Max had already ripped out the prior interior designs. She took this to mean she’d have free reign over what went where, and the notion excited her artistic senses.
“Max?” she called out, her voice echoing in the empty space. “Is someone here?”
A good-looking man with jet-black hair stepped out from behind a set of double doors, and she immediately recognized him from television as Sebastian Del Tor.
“Hi. I’m here to meet Max Savage. I’m Lucy Dare, the designer.”
The man came closer, and Lucy was struck by how handsome he was in a definite European way. “You must be Sebastian Del Toro,” she said. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.” She held out her hand.
“It’s a pleasure, Ms. Dare.” To her surprise, he lifted her hand and kissed it, holding on as he met her gaze.
“Call me Lucy, please.”
“Once again, my pleasure. Max didn’t tell me what a beautiful woman you are,” he said in a sexy, deep voice. Despite knowing the man was a player, that husky voice made Lucy shiver.
“That’s because her looks have nothing to do with her talent or ability to decorate a first-rate restaurant,” Max bit out in a tone Lucy had never heard from him before. Not even with Lucas.
Max approached from what appeared to be the back of the restaurant, joining them and standing very close to Lucy. “I see you two have met.”
“Yes, and this is going to be an even more pleasurable experience than I anticipated,” Sebastian said.
“Let’s get to work,” Max muttered. “Over here.” He led them to a bridge table and chairs that had obviously been set up as a makeshift workstation.
For the next hour, Lucy took notes on their vision and discussed her thoughts on color scheme and layout based on what she’d seen when she’d walked in the door. Knowing she needed a base of operations, she’d spent the last couple of weeks meeting with major design and construction firms in Manhattan and had agreed to freelance for one of the bigger ones. She needed a company that had architects and contractors ready to go and lawyers who could get building permits quickly.
She also needed an office and equipment, and the firm of Mann and Mann had been happy to lease her space and allow her to share a secretary with another part-time employee. If she was going to live in Manhattan, she needed to settle in quickly. And she had.
Turning her focus back to Max and Sebastian, she noted that she needed to have someone come in and take measurements, and promised computerized 3-D renderings of her ideas as soon as possible.
While working, both Sebastian and Max dialed down the testosterone and focused on what was important, bringing the restaurant to life as soon as possible. The ideas flew between the three of them, and Lucy felt like she was part of a well-oiled team. Max was in his element, coolly and efficiently taking charge. Without realizing it, Sebastian was deferring to Max’s vision, but as Max had pointed out, he still had the sense that he was in charge too.
Lucy studied the men as they talked, Max pointing at kitchen sketches that they were currently discussing. He was brilliant, and she enjoyed watching him work, engaged in something that excited him… outside the bedroom, she thought wryly, shifting in her seat. Because as soon as she thought of Max and the bedroom, her thoughts turned to sex.
She’d certainly spent enough time reliving their time on Eden. Inevitably she’d recall her hands being bound, her body at his mercy. The sensual heat of his thick erection as he thrust inside her, and the hot slap of his palm against her ass. All those memories had her on edge, aroused, and doing the best she could to avoid writhing in her seat.
As if he could read her mind, he lifted his head and met her gaze, a knowing look in his amber eyes. And if her face hadn’t already been heated, she was sure it was now.
“I think we’ve covered everything for today,” Sebastian said.
Relieved and needing fresh air, Lucy nodded. “I agree, at least on my end.” She gathered her files together and shoved them into her briefcase.
Max’s phone rang and he glanced at it. “Be right back. I need to take this.” He stepped away to take the call, leaving her alone with Sebastian.
Sebastian turned to Lucy with a charming smile. “I’m looking forward to implementing your ideas. I think your idea of channeling the tapas bars in Barcelona is a smart one. An outdoor feel is exactly the right atmosphere.”
“I agree.”
“Let me walk you out,” Sebastian said.
Lucy glanced back at Max, who seemed engrossed in a conversation that wasn’t likely to end soon. As much as she wanted to stay… to spend more time with him, their business was finished for now, and the smarter thing would be to leave. She’d asked the driver to wait, so she could leave whenever she was ready.
She turned to Sebastian. “Okay… thank you.”
He placed a hand on her back and led her to the door. His touch felt unfamiliar and wrong, and she stepped out of reach as soon as they were outside. The sun beat down overhead, and Lucy was happy to breathe in the fresh air and see sunshine. There was no air conditioning running inside, the lighting was dim, and the stuffiness had given her a headache.
Sebastian turned toward her, and she was struck by the aqua blue in his eyes. “I was wondering if we could meet up later and talk about ideas I had for the bar area? I didn’t run them by Max yet. I wanted our designer’s opinion first.”
“Oh!” She didn’t mind giving her professional point of view. “We could meet at Mann and Mann during the week,” she suggested, not wanting to give him the wrong impression. He might be handsome and charming, but she wasn’t interested in anything more than a professional working relationship.
“We could do that. Or… I’m meeting friends for drinks tonight at Glam,” he said of the exclusive nightclub she’d been to before. “They’re from different parts of the celebrity world. Maybe you’d like to meet them? If we can fit in some business, great; if not, we’ll set up an appointment at your office.”
Lucy grasped her briefcase tighter. This offer included a group of people, no worries about putting herself in an awkward position with her newest client. And she was potentially
meeting new clients, she told herself.
“Why not? It sounds like fun.” And fun wasn’t something she’d had much of since leaving Eden.
Sebastian smiled, showing the dimples that had won over the world… or at least a great many females on TV while he was cooking.
“Great. You gave me your card, so I’ll text you later with the place and time. Sound good?”
Lucy smiled. “It does. Thank you.”
“I can’t wait.” He touched her back once more. “Is this your car?” He gestured to the idling sedan.
She nodded, and he stepped closer, opening the back door so she could climb inside.
“See you later, Lucy.”
“Good-bye, Sebastian.”
* * *
By the time Max hung up the phone with the manager of another one of his restaurants who was having a problem with staff, Lucy and Sebastian had disappeared.
Max cursed and stormed onto the street in time to see a black sedan pull away from the curb. Sebastian stood on the sidewalk watching.
Max shoved him in the shoulder. “Stay the fuck away from her.”
Sebastian turned to stare Max down. “Do you have a say in what she does? Because it didn’t look like anything but business to me.”
Max narrowed his gaze. He had a hard enough time corralling Lucy. He didn’t need the playboy chef adding to his problems.
“Don’t you have enough problems with Gia refusing to accept that things are over?” Max asked of Sebastian’s ex-girlfriend. Stalker might be more like it, considering she had a tendency to show up wherever Sebastian went and cause trouble.
“Gia’s a lunatic. I should have seen it sooner.”
“I’m not sure women come to you insane. I think you drive them to it.” Because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants and didn’t see anything wrong with cheating.
“She was freaking good in bed, buddy. I was blinded to her dark side.”
Max rolled his eyes. His concern wasn’t for Sebastian but for Lucy. Though he’d admit to jealousy, he was also looking out for her. She didn’t need to get involved with a player like Sebastian. Problem was, she might see Sebastian as an easy-to-be-with alternative to Max and his intensity and the fact that he wanted more from her than an easy affair like she’d had with Lucas.